Companies located in Arnhem can choose between a new XOIP number in Arnhem or continue to use their current number. Besides the free 084 numbers, XOIP also offers local nunmbers in Arnhem. Companies in Arnhem can therefore request XOIP numbers with their own 026 – prefix.
With XOIP it is now possible to receive and send faxes via email in Arnhem. To do this, the use of a KPN number is not necessary.
Companies located in Arnhem can choose between a new XOIP number in Arnhem or continue to use their current number. Besides the free 084 numbers, XOIP also offers local numbers in Arnhem. Companies in Arnhem can therefore request XOIP numbers with their own 026 – area code.
The calling costs of local XOIP numbers are lower than those of the 084 numbers, but there are subscription costs attached to local numbers.
Having a XOIP number offers a number of appealing benefits to businesses in the commercial city of Arnhem.
A very interesting advantage is that no special software is required for XOIP. When someone sends a fax to your number, the fax is received as an email attachment on your email address. In principle you can receive free, unlimited faxes. However, this depends on the type of XOIP number. Furthermore, there is no need for a separate fax line.
Another advantage is the ability to send faxes online or via email. XOIP works with credits for fax sending. XOIP credit can be loaded by a payment from the XOIP website, by bank transfer or by phoning XOIP’s 0900 number. Credits can also be earned by receiving faxes on a XOIP Plus number. If you have insufficient funds to send a fax, XOIP will only send the fax once the credit balance has been sufficiently uploaded.